Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Apr 17, 2012

Please excuse me while I post a photo for my dear grandaughter-in-law to be.

I made the veil, her dress, and my dress for my daughter Lori's wedding in 1988. Now our sweet Anna may wear it for her wedding to my grandson Josh.

Mar 10, 2012

Here's the link I call my lifesaver. The dynamic music, weekend services and conferences stream into my home every day from International House of Prayer (IHOP.org)

God gave Mike Bickel the assignment of putting International House of Prayer on the map, literally. Their webstream beams across the world, bringing hope and inspiration 24/7 to millions of listeners. Other houses of prayer hook into  the voices and instruments of students at IHOP University. Read more on the website.

 Links go quickly out of  date because IHOP.org is scrambled with IHOP.com (the pancake house). The technicians are constantly building and re-building the website. Take the safe route and google Mike Bickle 24/7 prayer. Click on IHOP.org and enjoy!

Weekend services are every Friday and Saturday at 6:00 pm. Sunday services are at 8:30  and 10:45 a.m.


"Jesus does not disqualify us because of our weakness," Wes Hall

Mar 7, 2012

Welcome! It's nice to see so many new readers!  Feel free to comment any time.I have a few points to share with you, that you may find edifying. Don't you just love that word--It sounds so old and, well, edifying.

POINT #1--Financial planners stay busy helping people set up their estates to benefit surviving children. Haven't parents often wished they had more money to give their children? I have.

But there is a wonderful inheritance we pass to our children, often without realizing it--a spiritual bankroll. Proverbs 20:7 promises that if we live as "a righteous man [or woman] who walks in his own integrity--" our children will be blessed.

I know you've seen this--
The children of godly parents seem to be the ones who prosper spiritually or in the world. Maybe a child has a deep hunger for God. Another one may not be living for the Lord, but s/he has lots of money, favor, or intelligence. Later in life they make a deep commitment to the Lord. These are just a few examples. You can add more.

Personally, I would rather pass on this kind of inheritance. How about you? We don't need a bank, nobody can steal it, and it keeps multiplying down through the generations.

POINT #2--Jesus says, "Don't let the enemy tell you there is something wrong with you. You're perfect in My eyes." (I John 1:9)