Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Feb 15, 2012

I promised to post the remaining words of Kathi Pelton's article, but first a thought that's leaping around in my head.

It's amazing!!!!! We can realize we have sinned, repent and quote IJn 1:9, and God will completely forgive us. We're as white as snow because Jesus paid for alllllll our sins on the cross.

Humans may forget to forgive, forget to forget, try to spread guilt and gossip, but God dances around the throne, completely delighted in us. He sees us through Jesus' blood, as if we'd never sinned! I will not worry about people's comments-- God sees me "as pure as the driven snow,"  because I have obeyed Him and confessed my sins. No strings attached.


Wordle cloud based on Kathi Pelton's article. Wordle.net

Kathi Pelton, continued.

Bless Your Nation

I am dumbfounded when I hear Christians speak about our U. S. president. I have heard derogatory words—jokes, anger and even curses over his life. How does this help? I repeat—Release God to do His will!

When you hear a believer speaking curses or making jokes about someone or something they disagree with, don't hesitate to tell them about the power of blessing.

The experience with our child involved one of the hardest choices we ever faced. Our child's destiny was threatened, as well as a wonderful walk with God, and a close relationship with us. If we had stood against the two of them, we would have lost them both. By blessing them we gained another child. God promises more people after God's own heart if all believers in our nation begin to bless our leaders.

Our generation needs more mercy, as Jesus commands in Lk 6:36. Let us make a commitment today to show mercy as our Father God shows mercy.

I speak a blessing over you and your loved ones!

Permission granted/encouraged to reprint this article and send it around the world. Post them on your website and emails. We make only one request: Keep the Elijah List website, email contact and author contact information intact.

Elijah List Publications, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321, www.elijahlist.com, info@elijahlist.net

Kathi Pelton, author, 541-926-3250, jkpelton@scglobal.net

We need your blessings--the ones you use to bless your family, friends, anyone, whether you agree with the person or not. Help us out. Post them in the Comments.

Here's the one I use "a thousand times a day."
I remit _____'s sins, I call them to repentance, I call in the goodness of the Lord, and people who will teach them the truth.

Saturday I'll post comments by prayer walker Henry Gruver about remitting sins--An exciting concept that's been neglected by the Church in the past centuries.