People who bully may have imbalances in their vitamin and hormone levels. Treat the cause and the bullying may go away.
Myra (not her real name) jerked her car door handle one more time. "It's locked." She peered inside at her purse perched on the front seat, and her keys in the ignition. Her 1994 Chevy purred like a contented tiger on the driveway.
She'd done this four years ago. This time there was a difference: People would probably say she had Alzheimers and treat her accordingly.
"I had five months' experience with what people thought was Alzheimers," Myra said. "But any mistake at my age triggers the A-word. I was not demented, I made the same mistake a younger person might make."
In late March Myra realized she might be swallowing around her thyroid. "Tests showed thyroid hormone and vitamin levels so low I was beginning to slip into kidney failure! Treatment started immediately, with hormones and vitamins. I'm normal now."
Dementia, real or imagined, rules. Unless you are informed.
Any changes in behavior, regardless of the person's age, should trigger the question—"Have you had blood tests for vitamin and hormone levels?" Many symptoms may appear—loss of memory, aggressive behavior, losing things, for instance. Myra's family and friends were making plans to place her in a nursing home!
Name calling is a form of bullying.
Do you know someone who could use a shot of behavior change? Write about it in the comments section.