Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Sep 30, 2011


People who bully may have imbalances in their vitamin and hormone levels. Treat the cause and the bullying may go away.

Myra (not her real name) jerked her car door handle one more time. "It's locked." She peered inside at her purse perched on the front seat, and her keys in the ignition. Her 1994 Chevy purred like a contented tiger on the driveway.


She'd done this four years ago. This time there was a difference: People would probably say she had Alzheimers and treat her accordingly.

"I had five months' experience with what people thought was Alzheimers," Myra said. "But any mistake at my age triggers the A-word. I was not demented, I made the same mistake a younger person might make."

In late March Myra realized she might be swallowing around her thyroid. "Tests showed thyroid hormone and vitamin levels so low I was beginning to slip into kidney failure! Treatment started immediately, with hormones and vitamins. I'm normal now."

Dementia, real or imagined, rules. Unless you are informed.

Any changes in behavior, regardless of the person's age, should trigger the question—"Have you had blood tests for vitamin and hormone levels?" Many symptoms may appear—loss of memory, aggressive behavior, losing things, for instance. Myra's family and friends were making plans to place her in a nursing home!

Name calling is a form of bullying.

Do you know someone who could use a shot of behavior change? Write about it in the comments section.

Sep 21, 2011


Are we in the End Times? I'm not sure. When I have a question about anything prophetic I consult the prophets at International House of Prayer in Kansas City. Their 24/7 webstream (ihop.org) sends Spirit-filled music through your house. Click on the prayer room or weekend services..

It's easy to check with one of IHOP's prophets—Watch any videos by Rick Joyner on YouTube. He believes the End Times started with the earthquake in Japan. Regardless, we know bad things are happening more and more.

R U Bullied? has an entire chapter (Chapter 9, #320) dedicated to having God's power in our lives.
On Sunday, I needed extra power to stand against failure thoughts and discouragement. In six easy steps, I~~
1) started my Ipod with the Bible loaded on it. To do this step, you'll need an Ipod, a radio or player with the Bible downloaded, or part of it.; or the webstream at IHOP.org. You can use music, too, but the Bible lends more power to the experience I am describing.
2) made sure the communication between myself and the Lord was open. I prayed, confessing my sins. (I John 1:9) "If we agree with God that we have sinned, God will forgive us." (Ch. 9, #435 in RUB?)
3) made sure I had forgiven everyone in my world. (Matt 6:15). "If we cannot forgive others, God cannot forgive us." (Ch. 9, #131 in RUB?) I asked Holy Spirit to help me forgive.
4) repeated the prayer I repeat at least once a day—Psalm 25:4. "Teach me what you want me to know, Lord." (Ch 5, #214 in RUB?)
5) grabbed a piece of scratch paper for notes and wrote the date. I know I have a notebook somewhere....
6) [There are three alternatives here. Sorry to be so confusing.] adjusted the volume to low and began reading aloud from the Psalms. It's difficult to follow the one who reads the Bible on your Ipod or wherever. The translation may be different, or the reader speaks too fast. So turn down the volume and send two Bible-streams into the atmosphere. God can hear, regardless of the volume. Play Spirit-filled music OR If you have the gift of praying in strange tongues, use that gift now. (#329 in RUB?) Speaking aloud during this power worship time is important!

The most powerful combination, which I always use, is having the Ipod streaming the Bible verses into the room where I worship, along with praying in strange tongues.

I wrote down anything I felt God was saying
. If he repeated himself, I used a hash mark. In two hours, God covered all my bases, and his presence was so heavy in the house I could hardly walk. The next 24 hours were full of peace, and I heard God's voice over and over. I slept soundly through the night.

Monday afternoon I was ready for more power worship.

In these tough times we need to spend as much time as possible in God's presence. He will surprise us with unusual protection from bullies, having all needs supplied, extra wisdom, answers to prayer we've only dreamed about until now. For me, an important benefit is clear direction from the Lord.

QUESTION: Are we in the Last Days? Comment in the comments section, please.

Sep 15, 2011

I LOVE RANTS! Especially when I'm the one who's ranting. lol  I like Jesus' rants too. Here's a recent rant to you from Jesus.

Drawing by Pat--Send Yours!
I can help~~ U R going  2 b ok~~ Step by step with me 2 a safe lifestyle~~ I care~~ Don't B afraid~~ I'm always here~~ Trust me~~ Need help? Just ask~~ I'll protect U~~ Don't give up~~ I luv U~~ I planned Gr8t blessings 4 U~~ I will save U~~ I am God~~ I cry because U hurt~~ Yur pain is real~~ Rest in Me~~ I luv U~~ I'm here 4 U~~ U R forgiven~~ Goodbye past, hello happiness~~ U own my heart~~ U R my clone~~ The battle is already won~~ I forgave u, forgive others~~ Follow Me~~ Seek my face~~ One holy passion--worship Me~~Ask 4 my help~~ Believe what the Bible says about U~~ Father God luvs U as much as He luvs me~~ I promise you peace~~

Write your own rant! Post it in the comments. Inappropriate comments will be taken down.

Sep 8, 2011

Kim Zweygardt won the pen! Congratulations, Kim! Thanx for helping launch R U Bullied. Kim is working hard on her presentations for Conference, and we will not disturb her. After conference, we'll ask for an interview.

DO YOU KNOW THE TWO BIBLE VERSES THAT WILL FREE A BULLY VICTIM FOREVER? Look for the verses highlighted in hot pink.

STICKS AND STONES WILL BREAK YOUR BONES, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT YOU! Do you agree with this ancient ditty? I don't! Words can hurt and destroy.

Erika and Billy are soooooo happy. They sing, they dance, they laugh.**Read more on this subject in R U Bullied?, Chapter 12, #6, 9 and 10.

The twins weren't always happy. They were bullied. Often. And it hurt.

They found a great makeup to cover the bruises on their bodies.
But how does one cover a smashed heart?

"You're always...." Mom's favorite sentence starter.
On Monday Mom said Erika ate all the cookies. "But I ate just one," E wailed.
On Tuesday Mom said, "Billy, you're always lazy."
On Wednesday Mom just glared. She didn't say a word all day. "How are we supposed to know how to change if you don't tell us what's wrong?" E and B waited for her to answer. She didn't reply.

Bullies love lies and shunning.

"Could we be living in a double world?" the twins asked.
1)"Mom tells us how worthless we are.
2) Pastor Tim talks about our great value to God."

In August, P Tim talked about victory.
The first Sunday he said, "God loves you so much He gets off his throne and dances." (Zephaniah 3:17) E and B and their friends danced and praised God because he loves all teens.

Second Sunday, P Tim said, "Jesus loved you so much he left his luxury lifestyle in Heaven. He spent 33 years preparing to die for you. Then he died for you. After that he rose from death and went back to Heaven. "I'll come back for you," he promised. "I'll pray for you while I'm in Heaven." Many times Jesus said, "I love you." (John 3:16)

"Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! You  paid a horrible price for our freedom. How can we thank you enough?"

Third Sunday, P Tim preached on Romans 8:1*. He said,
1) "The Holy Spirit took the entire eighth chapter in Romans to explain the first verse."
2) "If you have made Jesus Lord of your life, nobody can accuse you of anything.*"
3) "All you have to do is agree with God (confess your sins)."  I  John 1:9
4) "Why? Because Jesus paid the penalty for anything  his children have done/will do."

"What? No blame, no guilt? Ever?" E and B couldn't believe their ears.

"Jesus sees you as white as snow." P Tim danced across the platform. "Come on, let's celebrate!"

E and B and their friends have celebrated ever since.

When a bully accuses you, do you have to believe his/her words? No. The almighty, huge, victorious, loving God of the Universe has said it—"My children are free from condemnation." You are not guilty! Straighten your back! Walk like the winner you are!


Will's son Paul loves to remind his dad of the bad things he did when Paul was young. Will asked Paul how he would explain to Jesus that he still held grudges against his dad when Jesus saw him as white as snow. Paul simply repeated his accusations. He could not forgive! Will prays for Paul that he can forgive, because we all know what happens when we hold grudges. Matthew 6:15

When someone accuses you of sins God has already forgiven, ask Will's question.

E and B and Will can relax, regardless of what their accusers say. Jesus said it himself—"Be happy. I paid for your sins." Christians are the most blessed people on the planet!

How you are bullied? Please answer in the comments. Almost everyone is bullied, one way or another. 

Sep 4, 2011

QUESTION: I need to ask a question: Have you heard of someone who took on a Moses glow (Exodus 34:29-35) after they wrote/published a book? After  R U Bullied? pubbed I suddenly realized my face was glowing! 
Is there a better name for this phenomenon than the Moses glow? 
At first I didn't realize what was going on, but now I sometimes get into interesting conversations. Any time I go shopping, men, women, boys and girls stare, and some move to within six inches of my face, staring! Friday I had to sign some papers at an office, and everyone in the place stared big time. Of course I glow in church! Anybody else had this experience? Do ya think God is blessing R U Bullied?  I will post a photo if possible.

I need your comments.

Sep 3, 2011


Who knows who will win a cool pen for the best write of their life? You have to win if it's going to be you! Duh! Instructions in the August 25th post. If  you prefer a lesser pen, you probably know someone who would love one of these good ones.
*Bribe a teacher;
*Pay off a favor; 
*Warm your mother's heart;
*Help Dad avoid check fraud.

Monday, September 5, 2011 at 6 pm is the deadline!

Sep 1, 2011

I LOVE ACFW, FCW BONNIE CALHOUN (The answer girl--what would we do without her), AND ALL THE YOUNG ADULTS ON THE PLANET!  This blog's for you, you know. I've been so busy producing RUB? I didn't check the stats. Wow! You visited a lot! I appreciate your interest. But not a single person has commented. Come on, I know you're busy getting ready for conference, or going to school, or working, but PLEESE!

Who's going to win those cool pens? (I have to choose prizes for males, too, and it's HARD. Help me out here.

I responded to K's e-note this morning, and our Lord prompted me to post it here. This is for all of you who are in school, sleeping in, working a job, or going to the ACFW conference.

K, thanx for asking all of us to pray. Our Lord tells us to pray for one another. I will lift up your name at 4:00, central time.

As I set up to reply to you this morning, our Lord reminded me He knew what was going to happen this day, for all of us, before He created the Universe! Eph. 1:4
Isn't that amazing? I quote Proverbs 16:2 many times a day--"The curse undeserved shall not alight." We're so covered by the Godly armour and Jesus' blood, there is no way harm can befall us. Unless we give in to fear and forget what we already know! Eph 6:10-18.Take time to praise and celebrate today with your staff, K! 2 Chronicles 20

These scripture references came from R U Bullied? Esp. 2 Chronicles 20 will be a great encouragement today.

God bless you this day! Audrey Hebbert