Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Nov 2, 2010

Josh Signing In Again

Grandma bribed me with my fav pumpkin pie, fresh baked, warm, with real whipped cream. mmmmm!

Picture yourself in Mr. Crabbyface's class, wishing you were at the motocross track. His Crabbyface Doozy test smirks at you, and you're stuck on question #2. Don't you wish there was a button you could punch to find the answer? You studied, but who knew he'd pull out this puny little detail?

I'm tellin' ya, there is a button. Blake uses it in Motocross Mania. We call him "preacher" because he knows a lot about God. One day he told me, "I've been asking God to teach me His ways since I was in that accident." The wreck took place when his dad rolled their pickup going 70 mph west on I-80. Blake was 13. Of course I was 13 too, but we didn't know each other then. Blake had a head injury and ended up in a Denver hospital, where I was with my crushed leg and broken ribs that almost punctured my heart, that took a year to heal. We've been best friends since then, until Sandy... I'd better not talk about her yet. Later.

I heard him say, "Teach me" a million times that summer in the hospital. I had to ask who he was talking to.

"Psalm 25:4." He said it like anyone should know what he meant. I gave him the zombie stare and he grinned. "They're my code words to God. Short for 'Teach me your ways, O God.' " I still stared until he explained. "That closed head injury set me back five years. The doctors said I would always operate at the third grade level. 'No way,' I said. I prayed that prayer 24/7. God heard, and now I'm normal."

Of course I said, "Reeeeeeally?" and laughed.

"Okay," I said, "how does the latest space ship work?" I knew he'd say I had to ask reasonable questions. But you get the idea. He asks God for the answer when it's reasonable, or he asks where he can find the answer, like on the Net.

Ya know, he's almost too smart and I hafta cut him off sometimes.

So I started praying that prayer. Yah! What can I lose? You wanna try it?