Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Oct 26, 2011


I realized on the way to church Sunday that I had a low left front tire. Susan, the lady I'm discipling, said, "Stop at a filling station and I'll fill it for you."

My reply? "God usually fixes the problem.... God, please fix my tire.... Let's wait and see what He does today."

We went on to church. When we left 1 1/2 hour later, I realized the car didn't pull to the left anymore!

God spoils me sooooo much! All the time. I did an inner grin when Susan went along with the idea, that God could and did fill my tire. Methinks she's almost ready to graduate, because she's expecting big things from God, as if His provision and healing are normal for her, too.

Oct 19, 2011


Most of my readers know I'm leaving the writing world at the end of 2011. Two months ago I realized the interest in writing had merged with the quilting studio phase of a few years back, along with several other businesses I developed and abandoned.
Starting in 1999, I followed my personality type and jumped on the writing, putting all my effort into learning how to produce the products of my passion. I worked hard. At the present time I'm not interested in reading or talking about the subject of writing. I will probably finish a couple of projects. I'm already off on a different interest.

I will probably repeat this pattern until the Lord takes me to heaven with Him.
The past two weeks I've been thinking about why the Lord led me into writing and the results. Some insights will not become clear for years. I'll pack away the boxes of notes and information I've collected. Maybe I'll blog or write short stories or devotionals. My doctor will be pleased because I've discontinued the habit of sitting on the computer chair for hours without moving. My health has already improved.
Speaking of health, the issues multiplied when I committed to producing my first novel. Diabetes, a heart attack and hip issues complicated my life almost immediately. I was disabled for five years until the Lord healed me about ten days ago.
One good side effect was that I learned to do strong warfare in order to survive. Literally. As in live. And I started asking the Lord to teach me what He wanted me to know (Psalm 25:4). Now I'm comfortable in the victory that comes with walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
As soon as I announced my intention to leave the writing world, the pressure came off. My spiritual battles are only half what they were during the writing years. I feel like the proverbial cat, with nine lives. One thing I know for sure, I will always land on my feet, as a cat does, and stay busy with the next phase our Lord has planned.

Sure, I'm almost 75, but I still live with the passion to know the God of the Universe as deeply and intimately as possible. If I learn more with this challenging lifestyle, then so be it.

Email me at audrey4j@yahoo.com if you prefer email to comments.

Oct 12, 2011


The Apostle Paul repeated this little sentence several times in the thirteen books of the Bible that he wrote. Uh! That's hard. Personally, I like to complain from time to time. (Just kidding)

Three reasons for praise? 1) People like us better. Who likes to be around a crabbyface, anyway? 2) God likes praise. 3) Complaining makes us forget about the good things God has done for us.

Here's my short praise list. 
}} In all my life I have never skipped a meal for lack of food. I've fasted through meals, but the money was always there for  the almost 81,000 meals I've eaten so far.

}} My former pastor read R U Bullied? and said it is theologically correct. I appreciate having him take time to read the ebook, and I'm glad I was good with the theological correctness. Whew!

}} One of life's mysteries for me? How can Christians pray and ask God to heal someone and He does! The last couple weeks I prayed for two people and they are receiving gradual healing. Not a miracle healing, but a gradual, "I feel better today" experience.
M was healed of osteoarthritis! Her comment? "My back doesn't hurt as much, and I sleep better." Hallelujay!
S suffers from severe allergies and seizures. "I'm gradually getting better," she said. "Soon it will be 100 percent." God seems to be sweeping out the toxins first.... "One step at a time."

}} I personally received relief after five years of pain, arthritis and stiff muscles in my back and right leg. Starting in April 2007, I endured months of misdiagnosis. Doctors said I had spondylosis of the L5 vertebrae with bulging disk.

In July 2008 another doctor gave me a more fixable diagnosis--"You need a right hip replacement." He left my leg shorter when he replaced the hip. I didn't have money for therapy. We prayed and the bone grew. But the ligaments didn't relax, and my back was still arthritic and  inflexible. Last week the arthritis and inflexibility disappeared! I'm celebrating by painting the garage door and front foundation of my house! God is good!

Did I say the Lord totally replaced my left hip in April 2010?

Tell us in the comments how you are praising the Lord today.

Check out the lowered price for R U Bullied? (Click on the cover.) Buy your copy today!

Oct 7, 2011


I talk about rants in R U bullied? but do you know what that means? Call it praising Jesus, and it's so deep it feels like a rant. Let's do one together.

"Jesus, everything I ever wanted I find in you. I want more of you. I want everything you have. Don't hold back anything. Teach me how to be totally consumed by you. I love you. I worship you. You are the apple of God the Father's eye. Let me see your face. I want to see your eyes, and I want to look deep, to discover your love for me, your excitement that I'm alive and I know you. I want to see your smile, when you're smiling at me. I smile back, because I get lost in your love, Lord Jesus. I need to see your face. Let me hear your voice in the morning, when the day begins. Let me hear your voice at noon, as I go about my work. Let me hear your voice in the evening, as we fellowship together before bedtime. Teach me your ways, O Lord; show me how to follow you. You are the everlasting God, the beginning and the end. You never change. You are everlasting, eternal. You are the same today as you were yesterday, and the day before. Jesus, you are the same now as you were in eternity past, when you decided to leave your luxury lifestyle where everybody gave you reverence, and come to earth. It was your decision to die for me, and rise again. Because you love me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Show me more of yourself, Lord. Weave yourself totally into my life. I want more of you! I want all of you!"

Now write your own rant to Jesus. Pray first, confess any sin the Holy Spirit brings to your mind (I John 1:9), forgive anyone who has done something to hurt you or cause you loss (Matt 6:15). Ready? Relax. as Don't try to control your words. Don't worry if you repeat yourself. Some rants have a theme and your repetition of the same phrase is God repeating the theme He has chosen. Ask the Holy Spirit to take control of your mind and say things that would please Jesus. Ask God to help you see how he smiles as you rant to him. Ask to see his face as you praise and worship him in the deepest way you know how. Ask again to know him more intimately.... How did you do? Relax, don't edit anything. Thank God for helping you praise Jesus. Save your rant in a notebook, or not. Jesus loves repeated rants, or new ones, depending on what you feel inspired to do.

Share your rant, or part of it, in the comments. Bless someone with your rant today.

Oct 3, 2011

look around!

I know how you feel when you're bullied! You, the bullee(new word, meaning the one who is bullied) cannot think about anything else. You dream about it. You talk about it to anyone who will listen. You may withdraw into your own little world until the Lord changes everything and the abuse stops.

I have a challenge for you—Think about something else when the going gets tough. Ask Jesus to help you. Read scriptures and praise the Lord. Hard as it is, you'll be able to change your concentration if you really try. I have to ask Jesus several times to help me because my mind keeps slipping back to the bully situation. But I usually hang in there until God answers my prayer.

Changing your concentration helps.
1) The Lord is pleased. Where is that Bible verse that says, "Always rejoice"? Philippians?
2) You will be more popular. Your friends will enjoy having you talk about something else besides your unhappiness.
3) Lots of good things will happen that you would have missed with that other attitude.

This is just my idea—We read in R U Bullied that God is unhappy when we are suffering. He does the same thing we do when we see someone in a tough situation—We like to slip in little presents or take the person out for a fun experience. When I'm being bullied, I look around, because our Father probably has a present for me. Sometimes He lets me find money I didn't know I had. Last week I discovered
A -- Someone had left my car door open, and no one saw it for three days. The car started as usual!
B -- On October 1st I added up my bank deposits and what I'd spent. Would you believe, I spent $40 more than I deposited in September! How does the Lord do that? This is one of His favorites with me.
C My washing machine is 31 years old, so I shouldn't have complained when the belts started squawking LOUD! By the time I made it downstairs to check, Ken (short for the brand name, Kenmore) had walked and squawked to the end of his cord! He sat in the middle of the floor, apparently dead.

But I needed Ken! I laid hands on him and said, "In the name of Jesus, work!" The machine took off, finished the cycle, and he's been working since! Squawking and squealing, but working. I smile every time I start him.

Change your concentration from problems to blessings and see what Jesus has for you! He is so wonderful! Let's praise and worship!

Tell us in the comments what presents Jesus has given you lately.