Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Mar 10, 2012

Here's the link I call my lifesaver. The dynamic music, weekend services and conferences stream into my home every day from International House of Prayer (IHOP.org)

God gave Mike Bickel the assignment of putting International House of Prayer on the map, literally. Their webstream beams across the world, bringing hope and inspiration 24/7 to millions of listeners. Other houses of prayer hook into  the voices and instruments of students at IHOP University. Read more on the website.

 Links go quickly out of  date because IHOP.org is scrambled with IHOP.com (the pancake house). The technicians are constantly building and re-building the website. Take the safe route and google Mike Bickle 24/7 prayer. Click on IHOP.org and enjoy!

Weekend services are every Friday and Saturday at 6:00 pm. Sunday services are at 8:30  and 10:45 a.m.


"Jesus does not disqualify us because of our weakness," Wes Hall

Mar 7, 2012

Welcome! It's nice to see so many new readers!  Feel free to comment any time.I have a few points to share with you, that you may find edifying. Don't you just love that word--It sounds so old and, well, edifying.

POINT #1--Financial planners stay busy helping people set up their estates to benefit surviving children. Haven't parents often wished they had more money to give their children? I have.

But there is a wonderful inheritance we pass to our children, often without realizing it--a spiritual bankroll. Proverbs 20:7 promises that if we live as "a righteous man [or woman] who walks in his own integrity--" our children will be blessed.

I know you've seen this--
The children of godly parents seem to be the ones who prosper spiritually or in the world. Maybe a child has a deep hunger for God. Another one may not be living for the Lord, but s/he has lots of money, favor, or intelligence. Later in life they make a deep commitment to the Lord. These are just a few examples. You can add more.

Personally, I would rather pass on this kind of inheritance. How about you? We don't need a bank, nobody can steal it, and it keeps multiplying down through the generations.

POINT #2--Jesus says, "Don't let the enemy tell you there is something wrong with you. You're perfect in My eyes." (I John 1:9)                       

Mar 5, 2012

Good morning! 'Tis a lovely day in Nebraska. We have bright sunshine, shirtsleeve weather, and a friend's cucumbers are setting on! In her greenhouse, of course. Irene loves to garden at age 83.

I'm quoting from a new author this week. I will not tell you her name and title of the book at first--We'll see if you recognize her writing. But I will tell you at the end of the quotes from her book.

I keep asking the Lord to teach me what He wants me to know (Psalm 25:24), and He faithfully loads me with new facts and ideas every day.

Last night my Bible lay open on the table. I picked it up and the words of Psalm 142 seemed to highlight themselves in front of me.

I'm planning to memorize this Psalm. Care to join me? Choose the most meaningful translation to memorize. I chose The Good News Bible, because I love the words. Choose your favorite translation.

Psalm 142 (Good News Version)

1) I call to the Lord for help; I plead with him. 2) I bring him all my complaints; I tell him all my troubles. 3) When I am ready to give up, he knows what I should do. In the path where I walk, my enemies have hidden a trap for me. 4) When I look beside me, I see that there is no one to help me, no one cares for me.

5) Lord, I cry to you for help; you, Lord, are my protector; you are all I want in this life. 6) Listen to my cry for help, for I am sunk in despair. Save me from my enemies; they are too strong for me. 7) Set me free from my distress; then in the assembly of your people I will praise you because of your goodness to me.

Why would we need to have this Psalm in our knower? Our mystery author instructs us to prepare for criticism. Aha! Have you ever been criticized? I've even been criticized unjustly! How about you? And nobody listens to my side of the story! Frustrating? Yes! Verses 5-7 give the secret tools God provided for victory. I know they work every time, because I've tried them.

Let us know in the comments how you're making progress in memorizing Psalm 142. I'm going to post it somewhere where I'll read it a "million times a day."

Mar 3, 2012

Prayer for Remitting Sins
Henry Gruver
Often the Lord makes me aware that a piece of ground or a building has been used for evil purposes. I wrote this prayer to help cleanse the ground and make it useful for the Lord's purposes again. The Lord will show us when to pray this prayer if we ask Him.

"Father, according to Your Word, and in obedience to Your Word, I come boldly before Your throne into the courtroom of Heaven. I come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the blood of Jesus, the body of Jesus and the mind of Jesus, which You so freely gave; and I claim the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ for every area.

"According to Your Word and in obedience to Your Word, I renounce the sins, iniquities, and the hidden works of darkness all the way back to the first thought, word, deed and gesture, and to as many generations back as need be.

"I renounce the corruption, all fetishes, curses, satanic ritual, and expression of all ritualistic practices that have defiled this ground. (House, person, area, etc. could also be used here.) I remit these sins, even unto the descendants of those generations that are alive to this day. I remit their sins and send Your goodness and labors to finish the work of redemption, and healing and reconciliation.

"I ask You, Father, to cleanse this [ground] and release it from its blood guiltiness. I ask you to return its purity and bring it back out from under the curse, and its groanings. I say to you [earth], in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, be free of this innocent blood and all records of transgressions against you. Come back and be restored into life and fruitfulness, so that you may be a blessing as you were meant to be. I release you and call in the goodness of the Lord, so that He may get glory from His own creation."

Next you ask the Father to restore His creation. Ask Him to bring back His breath of life and to move His hand over that desolate area where the ground is hard-packed and nothing grows anymore. Ask Him to cleanse that ground and let flowers and grass and trees begin to come forth and be nourished. Ask Him to let the squirrels and the rabbits and the birds come back to that area. In other words, ask Him to let life come back to the land once more.

What to you do after you have remitted the sins that were committed in an area? Then it is time to release the goodness of the Lord over the land, and over those who are currently living there. Romans 2:4, "Despiseth thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"


Often we are called upon to remit a person's sins. The basic pattern (let the Holy Spirit guide you.) is to remit the sins, call the person to salvation if s/he still lives, and speak Scripture over him/her. Then you release the goodness of the Lord.

"Amen, blessing and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever, amen." Revelation 7:12

Would you like to read more of the Gruvers' work? Use the comments to let me know. They are always generous with their information, if proper credit is given. List their name, title of the piece, and contact information. 

Mar 1, 2012

I was away from home yesterday and did not post, as I promised. I apologize. This is the fourth and last post from the review of Henry Gruver's Prayer Walking. Saturday I will post his prayers as examples for you to follow.

I hope these 3,380 words were helpful for you. Henry and Judith have produced several books and CDs. Email me at Audrey4j@yahoo.com and I will give you instructions for getting in touch with them.

Now here's #4 in the Remitting Sins summary
God is a loving, caring Shepherd, but He also has a plan from eternity past. He expects us to make His will a priority--always: Isaiah 46:9b, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me…I say my purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” NIV

We must stay close to the Father. We must ask Him for guidance and walk with Him as closely as possible. When people or things bump into my consciousness, I ask Him what I should do. His answer is always kind, often with an appropriate Scripture, and I know what to do. God is very loving, very kind, as our Abba Father. We should never be afraid of Him, but He is not permissive. Walking with God requires diligence! We must be sold out completely to God’s will, and seek Him constantly, both through prayer and the Scriptures. God doesn’t allow wimps in His army—He wants soldiers, who are suited up, trained in the Word, and ready to WIN!

We remit, as we do anything for the Lord, at the nudging of the Holy Spirit. One day I was in bumper-to-bumper traffic on 120th Street, and all cars stopped for a light. A young man jumped out of the car next to me and ran back to talk to the teenagers in the car behind him. I felt God nudging me to remit the young man's sins. I remitted the his sins, asked for the will to God to be completed in his life, and spoke the Word of God over him. I am convinced I will meet that young man in heaven someday.

I have also sensed a tremendous breakthrough when I prayed for the land. HG talks about praying for the land. [HG has walked cities and nations all over the world. He remits sins as he goes, and prays for the land.] This is a story he told: “I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have entered into an area, begun to walk it, and heard the cries of innocent blood coming from the land. Countless times I have seen visions of the abominable acts that were committed there—acts which defiled that land…

“I was walking along the Wye River in Great Britain. As I came near the base of a cliff, I heard the cries of young teenage girls…I began making my way through the dense undergrowth, praying in the Spirit…I was hearing cries of desperation, the cries of young girls who were being brutally molested and violated…I couldn’t see what was at the base of the cliff. When I heard the cries, I honestly thought several girls were being molested right there, at that very moment.

“Breaking into a clearing at the base of the cliff, I found that the ground was packed solid, like the ground I had seen in the Devil’s Pulpit [where occult worship had taken place]. Nothing was growing there. There was a big circle of stones and charcoal from many fires.

“…At that point a vision from the Lord came before my eyes. I saw Roman legions encamped in the area and soldiers going through the villages grabbing young girls, killing some and taking others captive. They brought them to the very spot where I stood, and they abused them. Then they murdered them and threw their bodies into the river. I saw lifeless bodies floating down the river.

“The Lord said, ‘This happened back in the third century, and their innocent blood is crying from the ground.’

“’Lord’, I countered, ‘I don’t understand. What am I to do? What is my responsibility concerning this? Why would You show me such a thing if there is nothing I can do about it?’

“His reply was simple and to the point, ‘You remit those sins’.

“My thoughts were the same as some of yours when you first heard this teaching, and I voiced them to the Lord. ‘I don’t have the power to remit sins that happened way back in the third century!’

“The Lord will not get upset or humiliate us when we ask a question about something we do not understand.

“His reply to me was, again, simple and to the point. ‘Open my Word.’ I did just that; and my Bible opened right up to this passage in Romans 3:24-26. I looked down with my eyes, and there it was, ‘To declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past.’…(KJV)

“He then further explained to me, ‘You will not redeem this land back unless you take this stronghold, because to this very day, molestations and seductions and orgies are taking place around these fires. And the reason it is allowed to happen is because that innocent blood sealed a deed with the god of this world, giving him the right to take this place as one of his strongholds. Take it back, and I won’t let such things happen here anymore. You will free this ground, and not only the ground, you will free the entire creation around here. This ground will begin to be loosened up again, and life will once more begin to come forth from it. No one will come in here to commit those kinds of acts anymore.’

“I did just as He commanded. I walked over the ground, praying and remitting the sins of those Roman solders, as well as the sins of their descendants. I prayed not only for that generation, but right on down to those who were alive that very day, who were still suffering under the grievous yoke that was the result of every sin and abuse their forefathers had committed on that land.

“What do you do after you have remitted the sins that were committed in an area? Then it is time to release the goodness of the Lord over the land, and over those who are currently living there. Romans 2:4, …’Despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?’

“Next you ask the Father to restore His creation. Ask Him to bring back His breath of life and to move His hand over that desolate area where the ground is hard-packed and nothing grows anymore. Ask Him to cleanse that ground and let flowers and grass and trees begin to come forth and be nourished. Ask Him to let the squirrels and the rabbits and the birds come back to that area. In other words, ask Him to let life come back to the land once more.”

God’s glory must be restored to the land. Who will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to bring this to pass? Those who are willing to remit the sins of the wicked who have shed innocent blood, and who release the goodness of the Lord over the land.

*References: the Interlinear New Testament, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, Vine’s Expository Dictionary, and Prayer Walking, Step by Step Prayer Walking Instructions, published by Joyful Sound Ministries, P.O. Box 144, Woodbine, Iowa 51579-0144 (designated as HG when quoted).