Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Oct 7, 2011


I talk about rants in R U bullied? but do you know what that means? Call it praising Jesus, and it's so deep it feels like a rant. Let's do one together.

"Jesus, everything I ever wanted I find in you. I want more of you. I want everything you have. Don't hold back anything. Teach me how to be totally consumed by you. I love you. I worship you. You are the apple of God the Father's eye. Let me see your face. I want to see your eyes, and I want to look deep, to discover your love for me, your excitement that I'm alive and I know you. I want to see your smile, when you're smiling at me. I smile back, because I get lost in your love, Lord Jesus. I need to see your face. Let me hear your voice in the morning, when the day begins. Let me hear your voice at noon, as I go about my work. Let me hear your voice in the evening, as we fellowship together before bedtime. Teach me your ways, O Lord; show me how to follow you. You are the everlasting God, the beginning and the end. You never change. You are everlasting, eternal. You are the same today as you were yesterday, and the day before. Jesus, you are the same now as you were in eternity past, when you decided to leave your luxury lifestyle where everybody gave you reverence, and come to earth. It was your decision to die for me, and rise again. Because you love me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Show me more of yourself, Lord. Weave yourself totally into my life. I want more of you! I want all of you!"

Now write your own rant to Jesus. Pray first, confess any sin the Holy Spirit brings to your mind (I John 1:9), forgive anyone who has done something to hurt you or cause you loss (Matt 6:15). Ready? Relax. as Don't try to control your words. Don't worry if you repeat yourself. Some rants have a theme and your repetition of the same phrase is God repeating the theme He has chosen. Ask the Holy Spirit to take control of your mind and say things that would please Jesus. Ask God to help you see how he smiles as you rant to him. Ask to see his face as you praise and worship him in the deepest way you know how. Ask again to know him more intimately.... How did you do? Relax, don't edit anything. Thank God for helping you praise Jesus. Save your rant in a notebook, or not. Jesus loves repeated rants, or new ones, depending on what you feel inspired to do.

Share your rant, or part of it, in the comments. Bless someone with your rant today.