Let's Ride!

GREEN LIGHT RED LIGHT - My first novel, November 2007. Learn more on MY BOOKS.

MOTOCROSS MANIA - We're writing the manuscript--Grab your helmet. Don't have one? We'll make one up! After all, we're talking fiction. Leave a comment! Meet the characters! Learn motocross facts. There's more on MY BOOKS.

Sep 1, 2011

I LOVE ACFW, FCW BONNIE CALHOUN (The answer girl--what would we do without her), AND ALL THE YOUNG ADULTS ON THE PLANET!  This blog's for you, you know. I've been so busy producing RUB? I didn't check the stats. Wow! You visited a lot! I appreciate your interest. But not a single person has commented. Come on, I know you're busy getting ready for conference, or going to school, or working, but PLEESE!

Who's going to win those cool pens? (I have to choose prizes for males, too, and it's HARD. Help me out here.

I responded to K's e-note this morning, and our Lord prompted me to post it here. This is for all of you who are in school, sleeping in, working a job, or going to the ACFW conference.

K, thanx for asking all of us to pray. Our Lord tells us to pray for one another. I will lift up your name at 4:00, central time.

As I set up to reply to you this morning, our Lord reminded me He knew what was going to happen this day, for all of us, before He created the Universe! Eph. 1:4
Isn't that amazing? I quote Proverbs 16:2 many times a day--"The curse undeserved shall not alight." We're so covered by the Godly armour and Jesus' blood, there is no way harm can befall us. Unless we give in to fear and forget what we already know! Eph 6:10-18.Take time to praise and celebrate today with your staff, K! 2 Chronicles 20

These scripture references came from R U Bullied? Esp. 2 Chronicles 20 will be a great encouragement today.

God bless you this day! Audrey Hebbert