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Feb 18, 2012

The first of Henry's books
Henry Gruver has become known as a Prayer Walker to the World. He started walking with the Lord on the Skid Row streets of Phoenix, Arizona, when he was 18 years old. Today, in his seventies, he is still walking with his God. Wherever his Heavenly Father leads him, he prays. He has walked everywhere--in the Church, where two or three are gathered together because of Jesus, on the highways and byways around the world, encouraging anyone God puts in his life. He sits among the elders of the land. (Prov. 31:23) He sits among them, walks among them, and observes and "watches unto prayer" for the Church and the world. [Back cover copy.]

I first met Henry and Judith Gruver in 1991, as they conducted prayer walking meetings in my city. They taught me the basics of spiritual warfare I use to this day. Occasionally we touch and I learn about some of the victories and challenges of their lives.

Henry has spent the past few years in Japan, prayer walking heathen temples, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Gruvers have published several books and produced countless CDs.  In 1999 I wrote the article below, based on the Gruvers' book, Prayer Walking--A Prayer Walker's Handbook. For a copy of this book, or any of their books and CDs, Contact Joyful Sound Ministries, P.O. Box 144, Woodbine, IA 51579, 712-647-3104

Remitting Sins
My Summary from Henry Gruver's Prayer Walking (1998)
          When I say “intercession,” what comes to mind? Intercession means different things to different people, but In this article it means "to make a request on someone's behalf, to plead for help on their behalf."
Remitting of sins is one of the most powerful intercession tools in our arsenal against the enemy of our souls.
          Maybe a personal story will help explain the term. Last Sunday I sat next to a woman who introduced herself as Vicki. Without warning I began crying and great sadness settled over me.
          “What is it, Lord?” I prayed. "Vicki operates in deep sadness and worry," He explained. "She is unable to pull herself free from her depression."
          "I'll intercede for her," I said in my heart. I cried in her place because she was unable to cry for herself. Vicki did not realize what I was doing but the Holy Spirit did. I believe He applied my tears to her situation and healed her as the service continued. I also silently remitted Vicki's sins, calling her to the perfect will of God.
          The Holy Spirit had me silently claim certain Bible verses for Vicki as long as we sat together in the service. Later I silently released the goodness of the Lord over her and asked our loving Heavenly Father to send someone into her life to minister to her needs.
What is remitting of sins?
          Space forbids an exhaustive study here, but please allow me to whet your appetite. You can personally do your own in-depth “dig” to discover the precious jewel of remitting that has been neglected so long.
          Jesus taught his disciples to remit sins, but Christians have not practiced it through the centuries.
          One reference to remitting is Luke 1:76-79, [Zechariah’s Song]…for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sinsNIV Jesus said we would be doing what He did. (John 14:12, “…anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing…” NIV).
          You can consult Strong’s Concordance NT859 (Either online or paper copy.) It gives the meaning of remit as “freedom; figuratively, pardon; dismissal, release”. Using The King James version, this same Greek word is translated “remission” in Matthew 26:28; Mark 1:4; Luke 1:77; 3:3; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 5:31. The same word is translated “forgiveness” in Acts 10:43; 13:38; 26:18; Hebrews 9:22; 10:18. Strong’s NT3929 is referenced, meaning “a passing by of debt or sin,” Romans 3:25.
Vine’s Expository Dictionary explains remitting by using examples from the Bible.
  •  Joseph did not actually restore the butler to his office and hang the baker, but Joseph, under the power of the Holy Spirit, said it would happen and God carried it out (Genesis 41:13, “And just as he interpreted for us, so it happened; he restored me in my office, but he hanged him.” NAS)
  •  The prophets did not actually accomplish things when they declared that certain events were about to take place, Jeremiah 1:10, Ezekial 43:3, etc. They spoke in faith, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and God brought their prophecies to pass.
  • In the same sense we declare people’s sins remitted and God carries out His promise to remit their sins.
Continuing in Vine’s, remitting is a passing over, primarily letting go, dismissal. It is also forgiveness: “deliver, forgive, (freely) give, grant.” Strong’s NT5483 is referenced in Vine’s, which means “to grant as a favor; i.e., gratuitously, in kindness, pardon or rescue.”
The last comment in Vine’s is that remitting includes, “to bestow a favor unconditionally”, as seen in Ephesians 4:32 and Colossians 2:13; 3:13.
Remitting of sins is not absolution.

“By remitting [sins of individuals] you lift the heavy load of condemnation off the people. God will still have to deal with them. They will still have to personally confess their sins and be converted. Remitting is only lifting the burden of condemnation off people so they can breathe again…then you must release the goodness of the Lord unto them, according to Romans 2:4—‘  the goodness of God leadeth…to repentance.’ When you have done that, cry out to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers…to harvest the souls that will respond to the Gospel.

Look for another portion of Henry's teaching Wedneday, February 22. I'm posting this long article in shorter, more digestible bites. 

Does this make sense to you? A brief comment in the Comments section will let me know you are reading/responding.

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